Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vet Visit

Yesterday, the vet came out for spring shots, and to check teeth. As I had predicted, everyone needed their teeth floated! Not fun for them, or the pocketbook, but they all did great after being drugged up, and I'm SO happy they are all fixed up. No more sharp edges! Julius even had two caps (baby teeth that haven't shed on their own) pulled. Hooray!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Baby steps towards spring...

I feel like the end (of winter), might actually be in sight.  The ten day forecast is all at least 50's, with some days reaching...  70!!!  (of course, when I'm at work)

Friday the vet is coming out to check everyone's teeth.  I would be SHOCKED if Daisy doesn't need her teeth floated, and it's been two years for Cachet, so I'm banking on her, too.  Julius, I'm not sure of, but want to be absolutely positive he is in good shape before starting to teach him the bridle and bit.

Daisy has been on some hand walks in the past few days, just learning manners and starting to get back into shape in a very gentle way.  The "arena" area out front has some roll to it, so I know we are both getting a bit of a workout walking out there.

Once her teeth are given the okay, I am hoping to get on soon, and start lots of hacks for building muscle and strength.  She has skinny mom bod, and it's no good.

In addition to teeth, I think I've decided to bite the financial bullet and get Cachet on Regumate.  She is pretty much bi-polar these days, and hormones are really the only thing (besides just being nuts, which I can't get behind) to explain her crazy behavior.  I think it will be pricey, but a bottle should effectively "spay" her for the season, so it will be totally worth it, if indeed, she is just a sad victim of out of control cycles.  We shall see.  I'm actually kind of excited about it.  She needs to go back to work, rulllll bad!!! and I think she could make major progress this year with lady-rage variables controlled.

Daylight Saving Time is also LESS than a month away.

Oh man, winter is gonna end, and it's going to be GREAT!!!